Mandatory Public Disclousre

Good Food Habits and Chemical-Free Eating

On 19 July 2024, in collaboration with SATVIC MOVEMENT, a holistic health education platform, The Maurya School had the pleasure of hosting an enlightening workshop on ‘Good Food Habits and Chemical-Free Eating’. The event was a resounding success, inspiring healthier choices among students and staff members.

The workshop, led by nutrition expert Ms Himadri from SATVIC MOVEMENT, delved into the importance of adopting a balanced diet rich in natural, unprocessed foods. She emphasized how proper nutrition affects everything from our energy levels to our ability to concentrate and excel academically.

A significant portion of the session was dedicated to discussing the benefits of chemical-free eating. Ms Himadri highlighted the potential risks associated with consuming foods laden with artificial additives, preservatives, and pesticides.

Students participated enthusiastically in interactive activities designed to teach them how to read food labels, identify harmful ingredients, and make smarter food choices. We extend our sincere thanks to SATVIC MOVEMENT for sharing their expertise and contribution to the success of this workshop.

By raising awareness and providing practical knowledge, this workshop has undoubtedly planted the seeds for a lasting positive change in our school community. Here's to healthier choices and a brighter, more nutritious future.

Careers in Management and Hospitality 

“The true essence of hospitality is serving others with a genuine heart and a passion for making their day a little brighter.” – Douglas Adams 

A session on Careers in Management and Hospitality was conducted at The Maurya School by Professor Debpriya De from Vedatya Institute on Monday; July 8, 2024 for the students of Grades IX to XII. The workshop covered various aspects of hospitality, including customer service, management, and cultural sensitivity. Students were introduced to the diverse sectors within hospitality, such as hotels, restaurants, event management and tourism. Discussions on understanding and respecting cultural differences emphasized the importance of cultural sensitivity in service delivery. Students were also informed about the prerequisites required to enter into this industry. The workshop concluded with a question answer session, where students could clarify their doubts. Overall, the workshop equipped students with valuable skills and insights, inspiring many to consider careers in the hospitality industry.

Careers with PCM & PCB 

The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Career guidance or Career Counselling involves students or professionals exploring various career options, analyzing career prospects, and understanding more about the opportunities and earning potential.

Pursuing one more step of career guidance in collaboration with a recognized and famous career guidance company- Riar Pro, The Maurya School organized a Career  Counselling Session on the topic "Careers with PCM & PCB" for the students of Grade IX to XII on Monday, 15th July, 2024.The informative and interactive session was conducted by the resource person , Mr. Arun Mittal, the co-founder of Riar Pro. The session highlighted the new advanced career options in the field of Medicines, Astronomy, Microbiology, Physicists, foresters, Food Scientists, Technologist etc. The session also explored the role of technology in creativity and entrepreneurship.

The session was conducted with an explicit PowerPoint presentation through which the students were introduced to the new world of varied career options in various courses depending on their respective streams. All the queries raised by the students were addressed elaborately by the speaker.  The students found the session informative and engaging and got motivated to opt for latest and advanced career options.


“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”- Anthony D Angelo

Learning Shin Mathematics is a transformative journey that delves into the depths of abstract mathematical concepts while emphasizing intuition and creativity. At its core, Shin Mathematics encourages learners to explore mathematical structures through multiple perspectives, fostering a deeper understanding of the underlying principles.

An immersive Shin Mathematics workshop was designed to revolutionize mathematics learning for the young students from KG to Grade 5 at The Maurya School on 31 May 2024. It was an interactive, practical and resource sharing workshop where learning of mathematics was introduced through innovative techniques and strategies to make mathematics engaging, accessible and enjoyable for learners at the elementary level.

One of the key aspects of Shin Mathematics is its focus on holistic learning. Rather than simply memorizing formulas and procedures, students are encouraged to engage with the material on a conceptual level, understanding the reasons behind mathematical rules and the connections between different areas of mathematics.

Shin Mathematics also places a strong emphasis on problem-solving and critical thinking. Through challenging problems and thought-provoking exercises, students learn to approach mathematical problems with creativity and flexibility, honing their analytical skills in the process.

Another hallmark of Shin Mathematics is its interdisciplinary approach. By drawing connections between mathematics and other fields such as physics, computer science, and philosophy, students gain a deeper appreciation for the universal language, mathematics and its applications in the real world.

Overall, learning Shin Mathematics is not just about mastering a set of techniques; it’s about cultivating a mind-set of curiosity, exploration, and intellectual rigour that extends far beyond the confines of the classroom. Through this approach, students develop a lifelong love for mathematics and a deep appreciation for its beauty and power.


A workshop was conducted on Monday, 6th May 2024 for the students of Grade VIII with the aim to make them aware about cyber safety. Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. Students use various online platforms for socializing. While it offers countless benefits, it also poses a significant risk to them. Cyber bullying, identity theft, online harassment and exposure to inappropriate content are just a few of the potential dangers that students may encounter online.

Keeping this in mind, a workshop was conducted on Monday, 6th May 2024 for the students of Grade VIII with the aim to make them aware about cyber safety.

The session was led by Ms. Ritu Kumar.

The workshop commenced by telling students the importance of being safe online as technology is an integral part of our daily lives. The aim of the workshop was to make students aware about the risks and potential consequences of not using the internet safely.

Various topics were covered during the workshop, including the importance of password security, digital literacy, and the adverse effects of gaming, online privacy, etiquette, scams, and cyber bullying. Case studies, real-life anecdotes, and examples were shared to illustrate the hazards and outcomes of unsafe online behavior.

The workshop had also provided practical tips and strategies for students to protect themselves while using the internet, such as using strong passwords, avoiding sharing personal information online, and reporting any suspicious activity to their parents, teachers or a trusted adult.

A quiz was also conducted for the students to test their cyber safety knowledge and reinforce the concepts taught during the workshop. The students actively participated in the quiz.

It was an informative workshop.

RiarPro Career Guidance Orientation Program

With a plethora of career options available in contemporary times, the role of a career counseling session becomes indispensable.

As The Maurya School now has a tie up with RiarPro Learning Solutions - career guidance company, a recognized name in the education sector, the school organized a Career Guidance Orientation Program for the students and parents of grades IX to XII on Saturday, 13th April 2024 in the Multimedia Hall. The resource person Mr. Ritesh Chawla conducted the session.

A power point presentation regarding the same was also shown to the audience. Students and parents were made aware of the different options in profession and courses they could pursue based on the subject choices they would make. Queries raised by the students and parents were addressed by the speaker. The session was immensely enriching and interesting.


"It is not enough to take steps which may someday lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise." - Goethe

A workshop on Goal Setting was organised on 24 April 2024 at the school auditorium for the students of Grades IX and X. The host, Mr. Deepankar Raina , from RiarPro organisation made the event a highly interactive one. Through his personal experiences and general exchanges, he taught students how to play with their strengths and overcome challenges. The workshop equipped the students with goal setting skills and strategies which would help them in grooming their personal, academic and career advancement.

This was the first session of CRC Series which was conducted in school. It will help students to choose a correct career path according to their aptitude and interest.

Workshop on “Build Your Profile & Internship”

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." —Abraham Lincoln

A workshop on profile building was organised by The Maurya School for students of Grades IX to XII in the school premises on 6 May 2024.

The Rear-pro resource person, Ms. Chinu Vasudev a, took over the dais with a detailed presentation on the ample opportunities of profile building. She opined that career decision is one of the most significant decisions in one’s life and therefore, it must not be taken under parents’ compulsion or peer pressure. She also motivated the students to follow their passion. She conducted a few tests on brain mapping and discussed the performances with the students at length.

Ms. Vasudeva emphasised on the need to have a holistic approach rather than just being imprisoned in the rat race of career path. In order to get a glimpse of real-life corporate experience she emphasised the importance of internships and apprenticeships among the students. Following slides presented different opportunities in profile building in India – Summer schools, Community engagement, Student Exchange program and so on.

Finally, Ms. Vasudevan gave a brief introduction to Digital SAT and relevant information related to it. An open questioning session was held in the end to resolve all the queries in the minds of the students.

"Capacity Building Workshop

Aiming to provide an intensive knowledge on Economics teaching at senior level, the CBSE hosted a workshop titled ‘Capacity Building Programme’ on 19 & 20th April 2024 at The HDFC School, Gurugram. Ms Priyanka Dhawan (PGT Economics) and Ms. Divya Gupta (PGT Commerce) from the Maurya School attended the workshop and collated information on integrated and experiential learning in the subject of Economics for grades XI and XII.

The workshop was inaugurated with the welcome address  by Ms. Anita Makkar, Principal of The HDFC School, Gurugram. The objective of the workshop was to give a comprehensive vision on challenging concepts in Economics (XII). The panel consisted of Resource persons from CBSE namely Mr. Saurabh Malhotra and Ms. Nishtha Kwatra.The workshop was initiated with an ice breaking introduction which encouraged the participants to relax and start the conversation.

Teachers were provided digital training material, various case based questions on Macro Economics and latest Curriculum for grade XI and XII. A detailed discussion on various topics of Class XII of NCERT with the support of Power Point Presentation and various online resource material was held. The objective of the workshop was to achieve parity in board checking, preparation of practical files with content and encourage the teachers to set question papers according to the CBSE norms. They encouraged the participants to volunteer in many activities like building new case studies and new innovative teaching methodologies. It was an energetic interactive session. Various questions and doubts of the participant teachers were cleared by the resource persons. It was a fruitful session which will help students learn the subject in an effective manner. It was an enriching experience.  

"Education is not the learning of facts,but the training of the mind to think." - Albert Einstein 

The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) called for a complete transformation of India’s schooling system to make it of the highest quality for all students equitably, and to serve the needs and aspirations of the country and its people, today and for the future.

To edify the facilitators on National Curriculum Framework (NCF), The Maurya School conducted a workshop for teachers on Saturday, 13th January 2024.

In this NCF, ‘curriculum’ refers to the overall goals, plans, arrangements, and practices that shape the experiences of students in schools. Thus ‘curriculum’ does not just refer to the subject content of textbooks and other teaching-learning materials (TLMs) and their pedagogy, but also includes aspects such as school environment and culture.The key aspects of the curriculum will be able to positively transform the overall learning experiences of our students.

The speaker, Ms Rachna Bhasin conducted the session engaging teachers in various meaningful activities. The workshop was lively and captivating, highlighting the value of activity based learning, especially in early school. It urged instructors to move beyond conventional teaching approaches in favour of a dynamic, child- centred approach to education while also providing them with necessary tools and information.

The workshop was interactive and interesting.

Career Counselling and Freedom of Choice Available Globally’ 

The future depends on what you do today.- Mahatma Gandhi In an ever-changing global landscape, it is vital for students to be well-informed about their career options and educational opportunities, not only within the country but also on an international scale.  To address this, Kanan International organised a workshop on the topic ‘Career Counselling and Freedom of Choice Available Globally’ for the students and parents of Grades IX to XII on Saturday, October 7, 2023.  The workshop covered a wide range of topics including Exploring Career Pathways, Higher Education Nationally and Internationally, Career Guidance and Global Opportunities which helped empower parents and students with the knowledge and confidence in order to make informed choices about academics and professional paths. Finally, a question answer session was also conducted. In a nutshell, the workshop was an enriching experience.

SPACE Explorers Workshop

In the series of a collection of one day programs, ‘SPACE Explorers Workshop’ conducted their 2 nd workshop on October 07, 2023 for the students of The Maurya School for classes 1-8 on wonderful topics under different batches. The topic of the workshop for classes 1 and 2 was ‘Earth-Our Only Home’, for classes 3 to 5 was ‘Terra Magneta-Earth, An Amazing Planet’ and the topic for classes 6 to 8 was ‘The Science of Light’.

Such workshops are indeed a pathway to discovery of another world. They ignite a love for celestial bodies and inordinately help them in their upcoming life. It seemed as if the students dived into a world of exploration. The workshop kept the students entirely engrossed. It was veritably a great learning experience for them.

‘Space is an inspirational concept that allows you to dream big. - Peter Diamandis

‘SPACE Explorers Workshop’ is a collection of one day programs which gives students a remarkable opportunity to participate, interact and experiment to find answers behind the enigma of the universe. It focuses on teaching space science and astronomy to students where they have first-hand experience through practical.

The first space workshop by ‘Explorers’ for the session 2023-24 was held on September 30, 2023 for the students of The Maurya School for classes 1-8 under different batches. The topic of the workshop for classes 1 and 2 was ‘Window to the Universe’, for classes 3 to 5 was ‘The Magnificent Family of the Sun’ and the topic for classes 6 to 8 was ‘Surface Cartography’.

The students seemed entirely engrossed and inordinately excited throughout the workshop as it was completely an empirical workshop. Moreover, as it was the first workshop, they were keener to acquire the profound knowledge of the scientific endeavour which was taught in the workshop.

Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Workshop at The Maurya School

On September 20, 2023, The Maurya School conducted a vital workshop which focused on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) for all staff members. The primary objective of this workshop was to educate the staff about sexual harassment, its various forms, what defines it, and what does not. Additionally, legal aspects and actionable measures were discussed to promote a safe and respectful work environment.

The workshop was conducted by the school counselors, Ms. Khushboo Arora, and Ms. Ritu Kumar, who provided valuable insights and guidance throughout the session.

The workshop commenced by elaborating on the definition of sexual harassment and providing multiple examples to illustrate the concept. A significant portion of the workshop was dedicated to exploring the various forms of sexual harassment, such as quid pro quo harassment, hostile work environment harassment, and retaliation. Real-life scenarios and case studies were utilized to bring these forms to life and facilitate a deeper understanding. Importantly, the workshop highlighted behaviors that do not constitute sexual harassment, aiming to prevent any misconceptions.

To provide a comprehensive understanding, the legal framework surrounding sexual harassment was extensively discussed. This included a review of relevant laws and regulations, such as the Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act. Clear guidance was provided on the importance of promptly reporting incidents and following the appropriate complaint procedure.

The workshop also emphasized the role of the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) in addressing sexual harassment. Participants were made aware of the structure, functions, and responsibilities of the ICC in handling complaints and ensuring a fair and just resolution process.

In conclusion, the POSH workshop at The Maurya School effectively achieved its objectives by promoting awareness and understanding of sexual harassment and fostering a safer workplace. It emphasized the importance of maintaining a respectful and harassment-free environment and encouraged proactive participation from all staff members.


To inculcate the scientific temperament and teaching Space Science and Astronomy, a series of workshops are arranged for the students of grades I to VIII. The first workshop in this series was scheduled on September 3, 2022.

  • Topic of workshop for classes I and II - ABC of Light
  • Topic for classes III to V - Rocket: Science Vehicle
  • Topic for classes VI to VIII - Hydro Rocketry

The students were entirely engrossed and excessively excited throughout the workshop as it was completely an empirical workshop where students got an opportunity to have a first-hand experience which is definitely helpful to build up their knowledge as well as life skills in their lives.

Date: September 3, 2022

Emotional Intelligence

When it comes to academic performance, research has revealed that emotional intelligence is almost as important as IQ. It helps to create versatile and accomplished individuals. 

To foster Emotional Intelligence in students, a workshop was conducted on 15th July, 2022 for the students of Grade IX by Ms. Khushboo Arora, the School Counsellor. The workshop focused on skills to increase self-awareness, empathy, self regulation,  problem-solving, better understanding of our emotions and other’s emotions. 

The session also included discussions on how to accurately observe and interpret the verbal and non verbal behavior of others & develop the capacity to recognise how feelings and emotions impact personal opinions, attitudes, and judgments. The students found the session highly relevant and rejuvenating.

Anti-Bullying Workshop 

We, at The Maurya School believe that a positive and secure school climate fosters healthy development of children. For this purpose, an interactive Anti-Bullying Workshop was organised for the students of Class VIII on 6th July 2022. The workshop was conducted by the School Counsellor, Ms. Khushboo Arora.

The workshop focussed on creating awareness amongst the students about the prevention and lifelong negative consequences of Bullying. The session also covered topics like - forms of bullying, psyche of the bully and cyber bullying. The entire session was meticulously designed and executed using PowerPoint Presentation, activities and demonstrations. 

The students were encouraged to recognise and actively contribute towards prevention of bullying by reporting such cases to the concerned authorities instead of being passive bystanders. It was an enriching experience for the students.

Understanding and Managing Emotions

Your emotions make you human. Even the unpleasant ones have a purpose. Don’t lock them away. If you ignore them, they get louder and angrier.”

Early adolescence is the age where children face difficulty in handling emotions. A modest attempt at helping students to understand and manage their emotions was made by the school counsellor, Ms. Khushboo Arora. An interactive and fun workshop on the topic 'Understanding and Managing Emotions' was conducted on 7th July 2022 for the students of Class VI.

The workshop focussed on the learning strategies to cope up with both positive and negative emotions, and the physiological, cognitive and behavioural changes associated with different emotions. It was indeed an informative and illuminating experience for the students.

Building Self-Awareness

A workshop on the topic ‘Building Self-Awareness’ was conducted on 13th July 2022 for Grade V students by the Psychology Teacher and School Counsellor, Ms. Sophia Sharma in the Multimedia Hall of the school.

The workshop aimed at shedding light on the importance of building self-awareness. 

The students were explained ways of identifying one’s strengths and areas of improvement. Importance of embracing ones’ uniqueness and special qualities were reiterated.

The session was informative and interactive in nature and made students aware about the need and importance of developing self-awareness.

Adolescent Advocacy Programme

A workshop was conducted on Monday, August 31, 2023 for the students of Grade IX with the aim to make them aware about Adolescent education and the associated challenges. The workshop was conducted by Ms. Ritu Kumar. The program aimed to empower the students with valuable information and insights to navigate through the crucial phase of adolescence.

During the workshop, the participants were educated about the significance of the transitional phase in a young individual's life. Various key aspects of adolescent education were covered, including both physical and emotional changes that occur during this phase, self-identity development, and the process of making informed decisions.

The students were engaged in a discussion about the common challenges faced by adolescents today. These challenges encompassed academic pressure, peer relationships, mental health, body image issues, and understanding the concept of appropriate physical boundaries ("good touch – bad touch").

The students learned about the importance of open dialogue and seeking guidance when faced with difficulties. To encourage active participation, the workshop included interactive session and group discussions. These activities aimed to promote self-expression, critical thinking, and empathy among the students.

The ‘Adolescent Advocacy Programme’ workshop proved to be an informative and engaging session. The students of Grade IX benefited greatly from the insights shared regarding adolescent education and challenges.

Report on Assertiveness held on 10th August 2023 for class VI.

Children's Safety and Well-being, the Collective Responsibility of Stakeholders

A webinar was conducted on Tuesday, 30th May 2023 with the aim to sensitize and train teachers on their roles and responsibilities for children’s welfare and safety. The webinar was conducted by Ms. Nisha and her fellow colleagues under the project CACA. They covered different aspects of a child’s well-being.

The webinar was categorized into three sections — Academic (key messages of Project CACA), Legal (child-related laws like POCSO Act, JJA, etc.) and Psychological (CSA-Trauma/Peer Pressure/ Bullying/Exam Pressure, etc.) The topics such as identifying signs of abuse, reporting procedures and methods to support children who have experienced abuse were covered under the webinar. Child-related laws like Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and the Juvenile Justice Act (JJA) were also discussed. The aim of the webinar was to educate teachers about their legal responsibilities and obligations in protecting children.

The resource persons also discussed the psychological impact of child sexual abuse (CSA). They also discussed the ways to manage peer pressure, bullying, exam pressure, and other relevant psychological factors that affect children’s overall well-being.

It was a valuable and informative webinar.

CUET Common University Entrance Test’

It has rightly been said that the right guidance at the right time can do wonders for a child. In pursuit of the same, an informative and interactive workshop was conducted by The Maurya School on ‘CUET: Central Universities Entrance Test’ on Thursday, 25th May 2023 for students of Grade XI and XII.

The students were furnished with the CUET syllabus, courses, universities and colleges accepting CUET. Relevant information like filling the form, selecting the subjects and preparing for the same were shared with the students. The speaker, Mr. Ashish Garg, suggested some useful books and links for the preparation. The students were intimated about the different career options they can opt for in various streams and their scope.

All the queries of the students were addressed later in a doubt session. It was a beneficial session for the students as they learned the necessary information regarding admissions in light of the New Education Policy (NEP).

Awareness of Motor Vehicle Acts and other Legal, Cyber Crime and Social Issues

The Maurya School conducted an offline workshop on Tuesday, 16th May 2023 for the students of Grade XI and XII. The topic of the same was ‘Awareness of Motor Vehicle Acts and other Legal, Cyber Crime and Social Issues’. Traffic related information was conveyed in a unique way with the support of placards, visuals, skits and quoting interesting examples. Mr Dharmvir Verma, Advocate specialising in tax laws and appointed as Brand Ambassador from District Legal Services Authority, Gurugram (DLSA), an entity working under National Legal Services Authority, was the speaker of the workshop.

The queries of young and brilliant minds were answered to satisfaction in line with the law of the land. The workshop was not only engaging but also provided valuable knowledge to the students.

Health and Hygiene

On Monday, May 8, 2023, a workshop on "Health and Hygiene" was conducted for the Grade 1 students by School Counselor Ms. Khushboo Arora. The aim of the workshop was to educate the students about the importance of maintaining good health and hygiene habits.

The workshop started with a brief introduction about the various ways in which germs can spread. Ms. Khushboo explained to the students that maintaining good health and hygiene is essential for staying healthy and preventing diseases. The students were taught how to wash their hands properly, brush their teeth, and maintain hygiene while using the toilet. The facilitator demonstrated the proper techniques and encouraged the students to follow them. She also spoke about the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water to keep the body hydrated. Students were encouraged to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables and avoid junk food and sugary drinks.

Overall, the workshop was very informative and engaging for the students. It helped them understand the importance of maintaining good health and hygiene practices and provided them with the necessary information to do so.

Understanding and Managing Emotions

The workshop on 'Understanding and Managing Emotions' was organized by the school counselor, Ms. Khushboo Arora, with the aim of assisting early adolescents in comprehending and effectively handling their emotions. The workshop took place on 24th April & 1st May, 2023 for Grade IV and V respectively. The session was designed to be interactive and engaging, incorporating activities and discussions to encourage active participation of the students.

The session commenced with an introduction to the importance of understanding and acknowledging emotions. One of the key activities during the workshop involved students picking a chit with an emotion written on it, enacting that emotion, and then describing situations where they experienced that particular emotion. This activity aimed to create a safe space for students to explore and express their emotions while developing their communication and empathy skills. Through this exercise, students were able to connect the emotion to personal experiences, enhancing their understanding of different emotions and their triggers.

The workshop also focused on teaching students some practical strategies for managing their emotions effectively. These strategies were explained in a child-friendly manner, enabling students to easily grasp and apply them in their daily lives.

Overall, the workshop served as a stepping stone for students to embrace their emotions, recognize their purpose, and handle them in a healthy and constructive manner.


A workshop was conducted on Monday, 8th May 2023 for the students of Grade VII with the aim to make them aware about cyber safety. The workshop was conducted by Ms. Ritu Kumar.

The workshop commenced by telling them importance of being safe online as technology is an integral part of our daily lives. The aim of the workshop was to make students aware about the risks and potential consequences of not using the internet safely.

The workshop covered topics such as password protection, online privacy, online etiquette, phishing, online scams, and cyber-bullying. Real-life examples and stories were shared to illustrate the risks and consequences of unsafe online behavior. The workshop had also provided practical tips and strategies for students to protect themselves while using the internet, such as using strong passwords, avoiding sharing personal information online, and reporting any suspicious activity to their parents, teachers or a trusted adult.

After the presentation, a quiz was conducted for the students to test their cyber safety knowledge and reinforce the concepts taught during the workshop. The students actively participated in the quiz.

The workshop was very informative.

Healthy Minds

The workshop on the topic "Healthy Minds" for Grade II and III students was conducted by the school counselor, Ms. Khushboo Arora, on April 27, 2023, and May 3, 2023, respectively. The workshop aimed to educate children about mental health and well-being and promote healthy practices to maintain a healthy mind.

The workshop began with a brief introduction to the concept of mental health. They were taught that mental health is just as important as physical health and that taking care of their mental well-being is crucial for a happy and healthy life. The students were shown some examples of good mental health practices, such as staying positive, having a positive mindset, and seeking help when needed. The students were encouraged to talk to someone they trust when feeling overwhelmed or stressed. The students were then taught some simple brain gym exercises that they could do at home or at school. They were encouraged to practice these exercises daily to improve their focus and concentration.

The workshop was a great success, and the students were actively engaged throughout the session. The workshop helped them gain a better understanding of mental health and well-being and how to take care of themselves.

Body Safety

A workshop on “Body Safety” was conducted for Grade 1 students by the school counselor, Ms. Khushboo Arora on Tuesday, 25th April, 2023. The workshop aimed to educate students about personal boundaries, safe and unsafe touches, and empower them with the knowledge and skills to protect their body. The session commenced with a presentation that introduced the concept of body safety to the students. The counselor used simple and age-appropriate language to explain personal boundaries, emphasizing the importance of respecting one's own body and the bodies of others. To reinforce the concepts learned, the workshop included a video which was followed by open discussion using pictorial illustrations in which students actively participated. Basic self-defense techniques suitable for Grade 1 students were demonstrated by the facilitator. The students were taught simple techniques such as blocking, shouting for help, and finding a trusted adult if they felt threatened or unsafe.

The workshop was designed to be age-appropriate, interactive, and engaging for the students.

Emotional Intelligence

A workshop was conducted on 28th April 2023, Friday for the students of Grade VI with the aim to foster emotional intelligence. The workshop was conducted by Ms. Ritu Kumar. It focused on teaching skills that help increase self-awareness, empathy, self-regulation, problem-solving, and better understanding of emotions.

The workshop was started by giving an overview of emotional intelligence and its importance in our daily lives. The workshop also included discussions on how to accurately observe and interpret the verbal and non-verbal behavior of others. The students were taught how to develop the capacity to recognize how feelings and emotions impact personal opinions, attitudes, and judgments.

After the presentation, a fun emotional charades game was played to help reinforce the concepts taught during the workshop. The students actively participated in the game and found it highly engaging and enjoyable.

The workshop was very educative.

Capacity Building Programme

Aiming to provide an intensive knowledge on Economics teaching at senior level, the CBSE hosted a workshop titled ‘Capacity Building Programme’ on January 19 & 20, 2023 at D.A.V. Public School, Sector 14 ,Gurugram. Ms Priyanka Dhawan (PGT Economics) and Ms. Divya Gupta (PGT Commerce) from the Maurya School attended the workshop and collated information on integrated and experiential learning in the subject of Economics for grades XI and XII.

The workshop was inaugurated with the welcome address  by Ms. Aparna Erry, Principal of D.A.V. Public School, Sector 14, Gurugram. The objective of the workshop was to give a comprehensive vision on challenging concepts in Economics (XII). The panel consisted of Resource persons from CBSE namely Mr. Saurabh Malhotra and Ms. Sandhya Arora. The workshop was initiated with an ice breaking introduction which encouraged the participants to relax and start the conversation.

Teachers were provided digital training material on ‘Google classroom’ and latest Curriculum for grade XI and XII. A detailed discussion on various topics of Class XII with the support of Power Point Presentation and various online resource material was held. The objective of the workshop was to achieve parity in board checking, preparation of practical files with content and encourage the teachers to set question papers according to the CBSE norms. They encouraged the participants to volunteer in many activities like building new case studies and new innovative teaching methodologies. It was an energetic interactive session. Various questions and doubts of the participant teachers were cleared by the resource persons. It was a fruitful session which will help students learn the subject in an effective manner. It was an enriching experience.

Date: January 19th AND 20th, 2023

NEP (New Education Policy)

The NEP (New Education Policy) 2020 has been finalised after a detailed consultation process. This policy aims to overcome the social status hierarchy associated with vocational education and requires integration of vocational education programmes into mainstream education in all education institutions in a phased manner. To extend the information to the teachers, a workshop was conducted by The Maurya School on Friday, 30 December 2022. Ms. Shweta Talwar, an experienced and polished teacher cum trainer was invited as the speaker. Teaching different age groups by using innovative, integrative and interactive approaches, identifying learning styles of learners and applying appropriate teaching techniques were the major attractions of the workshop.Holistic Multidisciplinary Education with multiple entry/exit options and developing lesson plans and keeping in mind learners’ autonomy were other areas of discussion. This activity- based workshop was very fruitful and enjoyed by teachers.

Date: 30 December 2022

Teacher Training Grammar Workshop

“Learning never exhausts the mind.”

Leonardo Da Vinci

At The Maurya School, we believe that learning is a continuous process required to attain excellence both for students and teachers. Keeping this vision in mind, a two-day Teacher Training Grammar Workshop was conducted on 15 and 16 October 2022 for teachers by the renowned Ms. Usha Pandit. The sessions were enlightening and provided unique insights into the intricacies of the English language. The sessions further elaborated on various pedagogical strategies for teaching grammar and their application across the fundamental precepts of the English language.

Date: 15 and 16 October 2022

Environmental Hazards of Electronic Waste

As a part of our endeavour to shape our students into responsible citizens of the world, The Maurya School organized an awareness programme on ‘Environmental Hazards of Electronic Waste’. The awareness drive was initiated by collection of e-waste wherein students submitted waste switch boards, key boards, cables etc. in school.

Taking the initiative forward, an enriching and informative workshop was conducted for our students by ‘E-Safai’, a campaign with an objective to raise awareness about e-waste management. One session was conducted on 21st July 2022 by the resource person, Mr Rahul Gokhale for the students of Grades VII, IX and X and the second session by Dr Dinesh for the students of Grades VIII, XI and XII on 28th July 2022.

The workshop educated the students about the damage caused by e-waste to our environment and emphasized on the need to dispose such waste in a responsible manner. The interactive session enlightened the audience about safe and sustainable handling of e-waste. The different ways to carry out the process were discussed in detail. It was truly an educational session.

"Gurgaon Progressive Schools Council Virtual National Convention"

The educators from The Maurya School, Gurugram attended the Gurgaon Progressive Schools Council Virtual National Convention 2022 on Saturday, February 12, 2022 on the theme ‘Pathway to Education 5.0 with Focus on Creativity’. The purpose of the conference was to discuss important and relevant means to foster students’ well-being and success through heuristic approach during these unprecedented times. The conference began with the Honour March by the Head Girl and the Head Boy of all the participating GPSC member schools followed by the opening note by the GPSC Chairperson, Ms. Rupa Chakravarty. The Lamp Lighting and Session I, Spiritual Elevation by Sister Shivani was quite educative and illuminating.

The invocation dance and the song ‘Together We Rise’ by the students left everyone mesmerized. Finally, it was really informative and enriching to attend the panel discussions conducted with illuminous global personalities and the Heads of different schools. The launch of the year book, ‘A Journey - GPSC…Sahodaya, Gurgaon Chapter’ let everyone feel proud on their achievements and hard work. The Round Table (Session V) by the Heads of various schools was appreciated by each and every person present. To sum up, it was an engaging and enlightening session.

Integration of Arts and Culture in teaching learning practices

The facilitators at The Maurya School attended the webinar on Integration of Arts and Culture in teaching learning practices conducted in collaboration with Google on 28th October 2021.

The webinar focused on the use of pedagogical approach that utilizes various aspects and forms of art and culture as the basis for experiencing the learning of concepts across subjects.

Design Thinking and Innovation

Design Thinking and Innovation have become the buzz words today.  In every kind of organization, whether you are a manager in a global corporation, an entrepreneur or a teacher in a school, design thinking provides the tools you need to become an innovative thinker and uncover creative opportunities hidden within.

Our computer facilitator attended one such workshop on Design Thinking and Innovation at Lions Public School on 06 June 2022. The workshop was conducted by Prof. Tapasya Samal, an expert in the field.

The session was very interactive and focused on the different stages of Design Thinking like Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test. The attendees were then divided into different groups and each group was asked to choose a problem and work on it following the different stages.

It was indeed a great learning experience.

Body Positivity Workshop

Workshops enable children to understand concepts and acquire newer skills, thereby encouraging them to develop emotionally, intellectually, socially as well as spiritually. Keeping this in mind, a workshop on Body Positivity was conducted for the students of Grades I –V from 18th to 20th May 2022 by the counsellor of the school.

The purpose of the workshop was to build self awareness in students, to have a feeling of self acceptance and self love. The students were taught to develop body sensitivity through short stories. It was an enriching learning experience for the students. Sharing some glimpses of the workshop.

Building Healthy Relationships

A student workshop on the topic ‘Building Healthy Relationships’ was conducted on 13th April 2022 for Grade X students by the Psychology Teacher, Ms. Sophia Sharma in the Multimedia Hall of the school. The workshop aimed at shedding light on the importance of building and maintaining healthy relationships.

The students were explained ways of building strong bonds, reiterating the need to form new relations with classmates by helping them, showing kindness and empathy as well as communicating effectively with them.

The session was informative and interactive in nature and made students aware about the need and importance of developing stronger and healthier relationships. 


A workshop on astronomy was organised on April 13, 2022 for the students of Classes I to IX. The resource person commenced the workshop by testing the prior knowledge of the students and successfully built up their interest in the subject. She further explained the meaning of space, building of asteroids and comets, etc. The highlight of the workshop was the live experiment of making a comet by some students in the Comet Kitchen.

She also informed the students about the various workshops on Astronomy planned for them for the session. The details have already been shared with the parents via WhatsApp. 

The students participated with full zeal, exhibiting excitement and curiosity throughout the interactive session. Towards the end, the students witnessed a hydrogen rocket launch in the school ground. Overall it was an entertaining and informative workshop for the students.

Creative Ways to Teach Mathematics

A workshop on ‘Creative Ways to Teach Mathematics’ was organized by Pitambar Publishing and Rising Sun Publishing. It aimed to improve teachers’ pedagogic strategies which focus on teaching mathematics in an interesting and joyful way. The workshop was based on creative, innovative ideas and introduced the participants to different strategies along with competency-based education as mandated by the National Education Policy 2020.

Ms Isha Mukherjee and Ms Surabhi Pandey conducted the workshop which highlighted experiential learning and the need to create an environment which facilitates constructive understanding among children. The resource persons shared their in-depth knowledge of the said topic and innovative ideas to teach mathematics in a thought-provoking way.

The enriching and engaging workshop will indeed help teachers to improve their pedagogic strategies and devise innovative activities to develop constructive understanding among their students.

NEP 2020 – Art Integration and Teaching Approaches

An interactive workshop ‘NEP 2020 – Art Integration and Teaching Approaches’ was conducted for the Mauryan teachers on 28th December 2021 at The Maurya School, Gurgaon by Ms Monisha Gupta, a Senior Product Specialist with the Orient Blackswan.

The session commenced with a brief discussion on NEP 2020 and its prime aim – celebrating the uniqueness of every student. The enriching workshop further focussed on the main highlights like importance of reading and analyzing the read text, constructive approach in the teaching-learning process, experiential learning, social and emotional learning as well as the 21st century skills that include the 4 Cs – Creativity, Communication, Collaboration and Critical Thinking.

The workshop concluded with a short discussion on the SDG – Sustainable Development Goals. It was indeed a good learning experience for all the participants.

"Webinar on Microsoft Technologies"

With everyone being physically apart, maintaining the class team spirit is not easy. Teams allows teachers to move forward in a smart way. Online education and teaching-learning process goes hand-in-hand these days. Whether school or office, online awareness is the need of the hour. Microsoft is a centrally organized digital portfolio created for teachers and students with all the information they need to succeed.

Therefore, the teachers of The Maurya School were given an opportunity to attend an online webinar conducted by Juana Technologies on Wednesday, 29 September 2021.Topic for the webinar was ‘Live Event on Microsoft Technologies’. Various new updates and features in Microsoft Teams were discussed in details. Teachers were made aware of the new tools which would make learning more interesting and interactive. For instance, conversations, files, meetings, notification style, automatically adjust mic sensitivity, auto-record meetings, attendance, notebooks, whiteboard with sticky notes and much more.

It was an advantageous session and will help schools achieve more by fostering deeply engaged classrooms, strengthening professional learning communities, and tailoring more effective school communication.

"Menstrual Health and Hygiene"

Adolescence is the stage of physical, psychological, and reproductive development that generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood. Adolescence in girls has been recognized as a special period in their life cycle that requires specific and special attention. This period is marked with the onset of menarche. Girls and women have very less or no knowledge about reproductive tract infections caused due to ignorance of personal hygiene during menstruation time.

Hence, it is very crucial to educate girls about the physiological facts of menstruation, wipe off false taboos, and lead them to proper hygienic practices to safeguard themselves against reproductive tract infections.

Keeping the above in mind, The Maurya School conducted an online workshop for girls on Friday, 19 August 2021 on the topic ‘Menstrual Health and Hygiene’. Ms. Ankita Sukhwal, Executive CSR, a part of Unicharm India addressed the girls in an impressive manner. She elaborated the topic magnificently and made the august gathering aware of the facts which are otherwise neglected. The important do’s and don’ts were also highlighted and discussed.

In India, girls and women still hesitate to talk about missing their period, having painful menstruation or other disorders like PCOD etc. They are not aware that these are medical conditions which can be treated by altering lifestyle, yoga and medication. An important part of the workshop was educating them about different exercises and Yoga Asanas, which if performed regularly, especially during Periods, can balance hormones. It can help them prevent many menstrual and gynaecological disorders.

The session was extremely interactive. Girls asked numerous questions and cleared their doubts.

Emotions can get in the way or get you on the way.” Mavis Mazhura

Name of the Workshop: Socio-Emotional Learning and its Role in Education

Organized by: Ajanta Public School

Date: 12th August 2021

Time: 5:00 PM to 6:15 PM

As rightly stated in the above quote, Socio-Emotional Learning has great importance in our lives as well as in education. As educators, it is our responsibility to be aware about emotional intelligence in order to make a difference in the lives of our students. The teachers of The Maurya School attended a GPSC Workshop on ‘Socio-Emotional Learning and its Role in Education’ conducted by Ajanta Public School on August 12, 2021.

The resource person, Ms Hrishika Awasthi conversed with the participants about how we are born and brought up learning how to hide our emotions instead of dealing with them. It is time that we start thinking about our emotions and their importance in our lives. We need to learn and teach the future generation the skill of expressing emotions in words, reflecting on them and acting upon them.

The workshop was indeed thought-provoking, urging all the participants to effectively incorporate the learnings of the session in the education system for a better future.

“Stream Selection"

The Maurya School, Gurugram in association with ‘IIFM Pratham’ organized an interactive online session on the topic ‘Stream Selection’ for the students of Grades IX and X on Friday, August 6, 2021. During the session, the speaker, Mr. Praveen Sharma highlighted how stream selection is directly associated with one’s orientation style and area of interest. He also said that one must have firm and strong faith in one’s potential and choose the stream as per one’s personality. Finally, he highlighted that emotional quotient also plays a significant role in choosing the correct stream. After the session, students asked their queries. It was an interesting and informative session for all the students.

‘Scholarships in India and Abroad’   

The Maurya School in association with IIFM PRATHAM conducted a webinar on the topic ‘Scholarships in India and Abroad’ on Friday, 6th August 2021 for students of Grades XI and XII. Mr. Ritesh Jain addressed the students.

PRATHAM is determined in giving knowledge to the students and delivering awareness amongst students to help them make well-informed decisions about their career and sketch a better picture of their future. Its major mission is not just to raise brilliant students above the shore, but also to imbibe students with awareness that will help them become better individuals in future.

The webinar touched upon the importance of career guidance and why students, as well as professionals, must understand the role it plays while making career decisions. Students of Grades XI and XII were guided on how to choose a career and shift from the general understanding of life and work to a more specific understanding of the realistic and practical career options that are available to them. The students were also briefed about various scholarships and the ways to redeem them.

Following the session, the students seemed very keen to brainstorm career ideas and mould their future. One could argue that the session was a rather fruitful one.

‘GPSC conference’

Ridge Valley School had organized a GPSC conference on 31st July 2021 on the topic ‘Decoding Inclusion’. The speakers in the conference enlightened the teachers about Inclusive Education which aims at educating children with disabilities and learning difficulties with other students under the same roof. It brings all students together in one classroom and community, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any area, and seeks to maximize the potential of all students. Ms. Sangeeta Gupta, Ms. Anjul, Ms. Neha Khurana and Ms. Charu Dua were a part of the learning experience.

‘Golden Rules for Positive Classroom’

For many students, the idea of classroom rules feels oppressive, stifling and sometimes just downright unfair. It’s difficult to balance the need for order and structure with the desire to build a collaborative, fun environment for learning. Proper classroom management techniques include developing rules that guide student learning and set expectations around classroom behaviour.

So, keeping this in mind, a workshop on ‘Golden Rules for Positive Classroom’ was organized by The Maurya School for the students of Nursery and KG in the month of June, wherein students were taught various rules and manners they should follow in a classroom to make the class more effective and efficient.

‘Netiquette Guide for Online Classes’

Most people are familiar with the term etiquette and what it carries. From a young age, we are taught to behave properly and have good manners. Now, with many parts of our lives moving online, including even education, a need has risen for a set of specific online etiquette guidelines that apply to cyber behaviour.

Netiquette guidelines are a set of rules that dictate what tasteful and respectful online behaviour is. In the wake of the online education scenario, The Maurya School conducted a workshop on ‘Netiquette Guide for Online Classes’ on 8th and 9th June for Class I.

Through the workshop, the students acquired knowledge about manners they should follow in order to maintain online classroom decorum.

‘ Healthy Coping Skills for Uncomfortable Emotions’

Emotions can play an important role in how we think and behave. The emotions we feel each day can compel us to take action and influence the decisions we make about our lives, both large and small.

In order to truly understand emotions, The Maurya School conducted a workshop on ‘Healthy Coping Skills for Uncomfortable Emotions’ on 4th and 7th June 2021 for Class II. The interactive session discussed some basic emotions that we feel in our everyday life.

Students enthusiastically participated by sharing their life instances and the different emotions they feel on various occasions. The workshop was a fruitful session as the students learnt new ways and techniques to handle their negative emotions like anger and sadness.

‘Developing Scientific Temperament Among Learners’

Teachers of The Maurya School attended an interesting online workshop ‘Developing Scientific Temperament Among Learners’ conducted by Dr Sonia Mago. The session enlightened the participants about scientific temperament that refers to an individual’s attitude of logical and rational thinking. A learner is considered to have the scientific temperament if he/she employs a scientific method of decision-making in their everyday life. The resource person further shared how facilitators can inculcate scientific temperament among learners by using different methods, making the teaching-learning process more effective and interesting. Developing scientific temperament will help students explore, investigate, ask questions and seek answers.

Citing realistic examples that can make the teaching-learning process an engaging experience, the webinar also discussed in detail various multi-disciplinary activities which can be conducted by facilitators in their classrooms so that learners can explore their surroundings and use the knowledge acquired in their day-to-day life.

‘Salient Features of National Policy 2020’

Some of our Mauryans teachers participated in a webinar conducted by Mr Parveen Kumar on ‘Salient Features of National Policy 2020’. The resource person shared that the National Policy 2020 aims for universalization of education from pre-school to secondary level with 100 % Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in school education by 2030. The policy lays emphasis on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy, extracurricular and vocational streams in schools, no rigid separation between academic streams; vocational education to start from Class 6 with internships.

The session also discussed the other highlights of the policy like - early childhood care, restructuring curriculum and pedagogy, reforming assessments and exams, and investing in teacher’s training. This policy is progressive in its outlook with an emphasis on multidisciplinary education that will lead to holistic multidisciplinary education for future stakeholders of the nation. It was indeed an informative session!

‘Storytelling in Classroom’

An interesting capacity building programme on ‘Storytelling in Classroom’ conducted by CBSE COE (Prayagraj) was attended by the teachers of The Maurya School on 29th June 2021. The resource person was Mrs. Nisha Singh.

Commencing the session with a wonderful quote, “A Story is a nourishing food for growing mind”, the resource person went ahead to explain its implementation in the teaching-learning context. The objective of the workshop was to enlighten the participants about the effective use of storytelling as a vital tool to explain various concepts to children.

The main highlights of the session included:
  • Importance of Storytelling
  • 5 levels of Storytelling (Telling, Learning, Being aware, Interpreting, Behaving)
  • Using stories as an introduction to the topic
  • Using stories as illustrations
  • Using stories to reinforce thinking strategies and conceptual development in children
  It was indeed an enriching session! 

Connecting and Communicating with Parents

Some of the Mauryan teachers attended a capacity building programme on ‘Connecting and Communicating with Parents’ conducted by CBSE COE (Prayagraj) on 12th June 2021. The resource person was Ms. Mandvi Tripathi.

The session commenced with a story emphasizing on the communication between a child and parent. The objective of the story was to show that feelings speak louder than words. Communication doesn’t always need words. There has to be a perfect bonding not only between the teacher and the student but also between the teacher and the parent.

The following points were discussed during the session:
  • Why is Parent-Teacher Communication important?
  • Why don’t parents feel comfortable with teachers?
  • What are the barriers to successful communication?
  • Which strategies can be used to make the communication process effective?

It was a very interesting and informative session that highlighted the need for effective communication between parents and teachers.

Yoga and Pranayama Workshop

It is rightly said that Yoga adds years to your life and life to your years.

To rejuvenate and add a refreshing touch to their present lifestyle, a three-day workshop on Yoga and Pranayama was conducted for our Grade 4 novices from 27th to 29th May 2021 and Grade-5 from 31st May to 5th June respectively by Ms Vandana and Ms Gaurangi from the Art of Living family. The presenters beautifully unfolded the information about this wonderful ancient culture, Yoga, practised to keep our body as well as mind healthy.

Filling the ambience with a positive aura, students performed some deep breathing exercises and asanas like Bhujangasana, Vrikshasana, Shavasana etc. under guidance. It indeed was an enriching session!

Digital Learning and Management

The facilitators of The Maurya School attended an online webinar ‘Digital Learning and Management’. The session focussed on digital learning landscape as well as Asynchronous, Synchronous and Bichronous Learning. The presenters discussed the TPACK Model and planning before taking a digital class. The steps of joyful online learning and the need of Learning Management System in K-12 setting included the other highlights of the session. Lastly, the training concluded with health and well-being aspects in digital learning.

he session also discussed, at length, Cybersecurity which includes protection of hardware, software, information and people. It is important to use updated applications and antivirus. The session was very informative.

Stress Management Techniques

These days stress is very common; but effective methods and a wide spectrum of techniques of stress management can help individuals break the hold that stress has on their lives. This, in turn, helps people in leading a healthier, happier, and more productive lifestyle.

Some of our Mauryan facilitators attended a workshop on the topic ‘Stress Management Techniques’. The webinar discussed the necessity of developing positive and respectful relationships which is an important part of emotional and social development. Communication skills also play a crucial role, especially during this period of crisis.

The session further highlighted that friends, family and peers play a pivotal role in a student’s life and develop a sense of belonging. Balancing LIFE with the 5 ‘F’s - Faith, Fitness, Financial, Friends and Family is significant.

The workshop concluded with some suggestions like - identifying and noting down triggers can help an individual overcome his fears and anxiety. Providing relaxation to the body is a must.  Drugs and alcohol should be avoided. Breathing and muscle relaxation techniques can assist in managing stress and anxiety.   

Value Education and Its Significance

The Mauryan facilitators attended an inspiring workshop on ‘Value Education and Its Significance’ organised by CBSE. The focus of the workshop was to understand the value of education by learning skills for the overall development of students. The session unfolded various segments on how to make learning effective by establishing an ‘Anger Free School’. The prime motive of value-based education is to educate students about the importance of working with the right attitude and standards as well as the skills required to face the outside world.

The workshop was very informative and provided a good learning experience.

Cyber Ethics

The facilitators of our school attended a webinar on ‘Cyber Ethics’, the study of ethics pertaining to computers that covers user behaviour, what are computers programmed to do, and how this affects individuals and society. The responsible behaviour on the internet in many ways aligns with our right behaviour in everyday life, but the results can be significantly different. The ongoing pandemic has caused a rise in cyberattacks like Phishing, Spamming, Malware attacks and Distributed Denial of Service attacks, thus, bringing in more challenges like Identity theft, Digital Banking Frauds, Virus Attacks on computer and mobile applications, Psychological Tricks, and Cyberbullying. One needs to be aware about these challenges and use the best practices to prevent them.

he session also discussed, at length, Cybersecurity which includes protection of hardware, software, information and people. It is important to use updated applications and antivirus. The session was very informative.

Managing Change

Change is inevitable in life and a lot has changed due to the ongoing pandemic. Agility and adaptability have become the catchy buzzwords, especially in the present scenario.

Some of the Maurya teachers attended a workshop on the topic ‘Managing Change’ conducted by Mrs Moushumi Das on 25th May 2021. Discussing the necessity and importance of change in the education system, the interactive session focused on the drastic changes like online schooling that have taken place due to the Covid pandemic. Looking at the positive side, the resource person threw light on how this change has created new opportunities in this field. Several examples from Bhagwad Gita were referred to illustrate the process of change.

The workshop indeed gave an excellent insight, reiterating the need of building a culture to accept change.

Addressing Challenges in Post Covid Schooling

A few Mauryan facilitators of The Maurya School attended an online CBSE webinar ‘Addressing Challenges in Post Covid Schooling’ in May 2021.

Commencing with a brief discussion on the challenges faced during the period of overnight changes in the educational system due to the pandemic, the resource person, Ms Anita Datta, shared the new challenges which will be faced by students, parents, school faculty and administration while transitioning back to physical learning after the long period of online schooling. The participants were educated with various methods to tackle such situations.

She also voiced her concern about how mental health, being a taboo in India, prevents many people from sharing the struggles or problems they are going through openly. She urged everyone present to extend support to such people, helping them to gather courage to speak up and seek help. It was indeed a very educational session!

Description of Constructivism

An interesting workshop on ‘Description of Constructivism’ was attended by some of the Mauryan facilitators. Briefing the participants about constructivism, a theory based on observation and scientific study about how people learn, the resource person explained that people construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experience and reflecting on those experiences. Going further, the session revealed that within the constructivist paradigm, the emphasis shifts from the teacher to the learner. It is the learner who interacts with the environment and thus gains an understanding of its features and characteristics. Learners construct their own conceptualizations and find their own solutions to problems, mastering autonomy and independence.

According to the constructivist theory, learning is the end result of individual mental construction, whereby students learn by matching new experiences against previously held information and establishing meaningful connections, rather than internalizing information through rote learning methods. The theory includes reciprocal teaching learning, inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, cooperative learning and flipped learning.    

Effective Communication Skills

Utilizing their time wisely, our teachers attended an interesting and informative workshop on ‘Effective Communication Skills’. The CBSE teachers beautifully explained the three levels of communication that are important at professional, leadership and executive levels. A message or conversation becomes effective by following a recipe including 5 essential ingredients such as Clarity, Brevity, Context, Impact and Value. If any one of them is missing or found inappropriate, the communication fails to make an impact on the listener. Short videos complemented with explanation through a dialogue conversation made the session more informative and knowledgeable.

Experiential Learning in Practice

With the aim of keeping themselves updated, the Mauryan teachers attended a CBSE workshop ‘Experiential Learning in Practice’. The webinar focussed on the different methods of experiential learning such as team building activities, outdoor learning activities, creative activities, mystery games, etc. Using various theories, the presenters explained the methods and guided the participants about ways to incorporate effective, active and learner centric methodology by including interesting content like virtual tours in the lesson plan.

It was indeed an excellent learning experience for the participants, re-iterating that such practices give learners an opportunity to implement the knowledge and skills learnt in a meaningful and relevant fashion. 

Adopting Inclusive Practices in Classrooms

The Mauryan facilitators attended a webinar, ‘Adopting Inclusive Practices in Classrooms’ conducted by CBSE which focussed on practices or methods of teaching-learning for students with special needs. It emphasized on the necessity of creating an adapted curriculum or UDL (Universal Design for Learning) suitable for all types of learners. A wide range of teaching approaches such as thematic, cross curricular, to name a few, were also discussed during the workshop.

The session gave the participants an insight of how to cater to students with special needs by way of inclusive classrooms. It was indeed an enriching experience!

Bloom’s Taxonomy

An online workshop on ‘Bloom’s Taxonomy’ was conducted by renowned CBSE teachers. A number of teachers from The Maurya School participated in this workshop wherein six levels of learning were discussed in a very interesting manner. The session highlighted the basic concept of Bloom’s Taxonomy, the different domains in the taxonomy and how the different categories in cognitive domain can be used to develop attainable, measurable and concrete learning outcomes.

The informative session gave the teachers an opportunity to engage in a meaningful discussion and explore the possible applications of Bloom’s Taxonomy in the teaching and learning context.

Role of Drama and Theatre in Classroom

It is the responsibility of every teacher to use various innovative teaching methods and make their lessons interesting. With this in mind, some of our facilitators attended an online webinar ‘Role of Drama and Theatre in Classroom’. 

The workshop highlighted the usage of theatre and drama in the classroom in order to enhance the teaching-learning process. This effective teaching tool also encourages students to unlock their creativity. The session further explained that theatre and drama can mediate between mind and body, between us and the world as students get involved in many ways, be it intellectually, physically, socially or emotionally.

The key pointers of the workshop included -  

1. Creation of Big Bang Classrooms wherein students can act as dramatic models.

2. Incorporating such teaching methods helps students to enhance their communication and literacy skills, thus, achieving the educational objectives of TIE (Theatre in Education).

3. Relevant key comprehension strategies like infer, create images, ask questions, make connections etc. can be used while using these tools in the curriculum.

4. Different drama-based games and techniques in the right context can also be introduced.   

Important Skills to Cope Up with Emotions

Children experience a vast array of feelings. They can be anxious, angry, sad, disappointed and scared, to name a few. Though most of us experience a number of emotions in a single day, we are not necessarily taught how to cope up or deal with them. It is indeed very essential to teach students the skills to manage their emotions in a healthy way. Acquiring knowledge of such skills helps them face their fears, calm themselves down, and cheer up. 

With this motive in mind, a workshop on ‘Important Skills to Cope Up with Emotions’ was conducted for the students of Class V and IV  by the school counselor. During the interactive session, students were taught simple and useful strategies along with emotion-focused skills which offer a temporary distraction so that they can return to the issue and handle it feeling more level-headed.

Students actively participated in the workshop by sharing their ways of coping up with emotions and in turn carried back with them some new strategies and skills to manage and express feelings in a better fashion.      

Risky behaviour in Adolescents and how to cope up with it

Peer bullying is an aggressive behaviour that affects all students - the students who bully, those who are victims as well as the witnesses. So, it is very essential to educate students about the consequences of this unacceptable behaviour. 

A workshop on “Risky behaviour in Adolescents and how to cope up with it” was conducted for the students of Classes VI-IX in April 2021 by the school counsellor. The highlights of the workshop included training on assertiveness that leads to adoption of positive attitude and thus preventing students from indulging in peer bullying. Such training programs are also effective in helping them build effective social communication, enhancing their personal and academic growth.

It was truly an enriching learning experience for students!   

Manners and Etiquettes in Online Classes

The pandemic situation forced educators all over the world to transfer the education system online while maintaining a social distancing formula which is the only cure for this virus. Students and teachers had to adopt online schooling and learn its technicalities overnight. As physical monitoring of students is not possible, it is necessary to educate students about following proper etiquettes while attending online classes. 

The Maurya School conducted a workshop ‘Manners and Etiquettes in Online Classes’ for the students of Grade II in April. The interactive session gave the students an opportunity to voice out their views and share their prior knowledge about the topic.

The workshop was helpful in educating students and instilling in them manners required to maintain a proper decorum in online classrooms, thus, ensuring an effective teaching-learning process.  

Importance of reducing screen time for children and eye exercise

n today’s scenario, students are practically living in a virtual world. Technology can be beneficial when used correctly and consumed in moderation. However, at times, children have a difficult time getting away from technology, especially gadgets. So, The Maurya School conducted a workshop on “Importance of reducing screen time for children and eye exercise” in the month of April 2021 for the students of Nursery and KG. 

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, students are exposed to an increased screen time during the hybrid and distance learning models in schools. Thus, it is more important than ever to teach students the ways and importance of reducing screen time. The interactive workshop included various activities a child could do after their online classes and stay away from electronic gadgets. This was followed by simple eye exercises which would help in reducing eye strain and improve eyesight.

The students actively participated in the interesting and enlightening workshop.  

Social Skills Students Need to Succeed

Social skills play an important role in shaping the personality of students, assisting them to succeed socially, emotionally, personally, and even academically. These skills help children participate in conversations confidently, collaborate with peers and develop lasting friendships. 

To enhance the social skills of the students of Class III, a workshop on ‘Social Skills Students Need to Succeed’ was conducted by The Maurya School in the month of April. Ensuring an interaction with every student, the school counsellor enlightened them with ways to develop the required skills. In addition, the key points of the workshop included discussion on good manners and etiquettes they should follow in the classroom and at home.

The session witnessed an enthusiastic participation by the students and was a great success. 

Importance of a Happy and Positive Mind

School life is tough these days. Students have to juggle between homework, activities, sports and more. In the midst of all this, it is easy to get stuck in a rut rather quickly or to feel like you are not succeeding. So, a positive ambience is an essential element of a classroom. A positive mindset towards learning has the potential to boost memory and other vital functions of the mind as well as physical health. 

oreinforce the benefits of happiness in life, an interactive workshop on ‘Importance of a Happy and Positive Mind’ was conducted by The Maurya School for the students of Class I in the month of April. In addition to educating the young minds about the topic, the session also included activities that they could incorporate in their daily routine to embrace a positive attitude, especially during this stressful time.

The big smile on every student's face at the end of the workshop proved the success of the session. 

Practising Blended Learning

With the prime motive of taking the teaching-learning process to the next level, some of our teachers attended a CBSE workshop ‘Practising Blended Learning’. 

The webinar session discussed Blended Learning, a learning strategy that comes with great benefits. The participants were educated about the various teaching methods that can be used in this approach to education that combines online educational material and traditional classroom teaching.

Talking about the different models of blended learning including an array of online games and apps available for effective online teaching, the session was successful in helping everyone present understand the innovative teaching technique, a perfect recipe for a rich learning experience! 

Gamification in Learning

It has been a constant endeavour of the Mauryan teachers to complement their lessons with interesting and knowledgeable activities. As a step toward the same, our teachers attended a workshop ‘Gamification in Learning’. The workshop discussed the necessity of including gaming elements in the learning environment so as to maximize enjoyment and engagement by capturing the interest of learners and inspiring them to continue learning.

Few gaming apps like - Kahoot, Mentimeter, Quizziz and Hot Potatoes were shared by the resource person during the session. The webinar also talked about Playablo, a gamified assessment platform, consisting of quizzes, assignments and data tabulation which help in tracking the progress of students.

Space Workshops

Three interesting space workshops were conducted for the aspiring astronauts of various classes on Saturday, January 18, 2020. The workshop ‘Space Satellites’ was conducted for the students of Grades 1 and 2 where they were introduced to the concept of ‘satellites’ in a very innovative manner. They discovered that just like the different parts of their body perform different functions, a satellite also has parts which have different functions to make the satellite operational. They explored how satellites unfold a new page of the universe including our own planet. Students investigated how they make our lives simpler as they have a wide range of applications from ship navigation to watching TV at home. Children acted as ‘chief engineers’ on a space mission and assembled mini satellites with defined parts! The workshop ‘Rocket - A Space Vehicle’, conducted for the students of Grades 3 -5, helped them realize that even a simple and omnipresent thing like air can be used as a fuel to launch rockets. They learnt about the power and magic of air pressure through hands-on activities. Later, they constructed their own stomp rockets and launched them in a friendly competition on the same concept of air pressure. The workshop titled ‘Solar Observation with Safe Methods’, conducted for the students of Grades 6-8, helped them learn about the Sun and the reasons to study it. They also learnt about different solar features along with the ways to observe the Sun safely and realize the importance of using safe methods for solar observation.

Workshop on 'Making Lesson Plan' by Ms. Monisha Gupta

An extremely informative and engaging workshop on the topic 'Making Lesson Plan' was organised for all the teachers on 14th January, 2020. The spokesperson was Ms. Monisha Gupta, an eloquent and experienced speaker from Orient BlackSwan publication. She commenced the workshop by giving her valuable insight on the objectives of classroom teaching, the need for lesson planning and the parameters that have to be kept in mind while framing a lesson plan. The session included an interactive discussion along with interesting activities like energisers, framing and presenting lesson plans by all the departments. The active participation of the teachers was applauded by the speaker. The workshop concluded on a symbiotic note as it involved exchange of ideas and information from both the sides.

Workshop (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

The Maurya School believes in upskilling its teachers with the help of workshops that are held regularly. One such workshop was conducted by KIPS on 'Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning' at the Surya Hotel, New Delhi on 10th December, 2019 and it was attended by two of our facilitators Ms. Amita Barse and Ms. Monika Bajaj. KIPS, a School Computer Education Company has been conducting such workshops in different states to upgrade the knowledge of teachers on Artificial Intelligence and how it can be used as a tool to improve the quality of education in future. The resource person, Ms. Gurpreet Kaur, explained the basics of the underlying techniques of AI and cited apt examples for further clarity of the concepts. It was indeed an enriching experience for the teachers who attended it.

Workshop (Class X and XII)

A session on Careers in Management and Hospitality was conducted at The Maurya School by Ms. Prashanti Jaykumar from Vedatya Institute on 9th December 2019 for the students of Grades X to XII. Through this workshop, the students understood about the journey of a management and hospitality professional. They also got to know about the key skills required to be successful in respective areas. After the session, students asked their queries regarding job prospects in hospitality industry. It was an interesting and informative session for all the students.

Content and Time Management

A workshop on ‘Content and Time Management’ was attended by some facilitators of The Maurya School. The session shared useful information on classroom management consisting of a set of plans and actions that a teacher should use to ensure an effective and efficient learning in the classroom. The following were the key points of the session:

  • There are three main components of classroom management - content, conduct and covenant management.
  • Curriculum planning should be done in advance as it helps in addressing the full range of learning needs of students.
  • It helps the teachers to organize their instructional aids and assessment in direct support of learning objectives.
  • Using Multiple Intelligences through different activities like storytelling, brain teasers, role play, etc. in the classroom with differentiated instructions helps to meet the individual needs.
  • Time management grid and different strategies can be used to improve the classroom transitions.
  • The enriching session concluded with some valuable tips on the topic like - set goals…make a schedule…revise and revisit your plan. 

Essential Components of a Lesson Plan

The Maurya teachers participated in a training session ‘Essential Components of a Lesson Plan’ conducted by CBSE in the month of May 2021. The resource person was Ms Pallavi Sethi.

The workshop enlightened the participants about how the learning objectives, that define the learning outcomes, are based on three areas of learning: knowledge, skills and attitudes. Thereafter, the presenter discussed the focal point of teaching – the instructional objectives which are specific, measurable, short-term and indicate the desirable knowledge, skills or attitudes to be gained. Emphasizing that a lesson plan is like a road map which is essential to carry out the teaching-learning process in a classroom, the trainer shared the details of Bloom's Taxonomy.

The session indeed gave the participants an insight to incorporate important components to design more effective and interesting lesson plans.    

Importance of Gratitude  

The workshop encouraged all present to ponder over the different precious things life has offered us so far, which assets are we proud of, what should we be grateful for, what is the most enjoyable part in our life, what do we love the most, etc.

The workshop enlightened the participants about how the learning objectives, that define the learning outcomes, are based on three areas of learning: knowledge, skills and attitudes. Thereafter, the presenter discussed the focal point of teaching – the instructional objectives which are specific, measurable, short-term and indicate the desirable knowledge, skills or attitudes to be gained. Emphasizing that a lesson plan is like a road map which is essential to carry out the teaching-learning process in a classroom, the trainer shared the details of Bloom's Taxonomy.

The enlightening session not only discussed the culture of gratitude but also threw light on how gratitude plays an important role in bringing happiness and good health in our lives.

Understanding Multiple Intelligence

For years, teachers have believed that the traditional measures of intelligence, such as the IQ test, were reasonably good at predicting a student’s school performance. But the trend is changing now. The Mauryan teachers attended a workshop on ‘Understanding Multiple Intelligence’ conducted by CBSE that re-iterated the same.

The workshop commenced with a video giving a brief insight on the 9 intelligences advocated by specialist, Howard Gardner. With the help of a power point presentation, the teachers were further briefed about Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences that encourages educators to start thinking of intelligence as a set of many different abilities and skills that help an individual learner comprehend, examine, and respond to different types of content.

The workshop concluded with an interactive activity for teachers to help them understand the application of multiple intelligences in the classroom. It was a highly informative and application-based workshop.

Anxiety Management

To overcome the anxiety caused during exams and competitions, an interactive workshop on ‘Anxiety Management’ was organized on 24th-25th May 2021 for the students of Classes VIII and IX. The objective of the workshop was to educate students on ways to deal and relieve anxiety, thus, helping them to excel in their day-to-day activities, including exams.

During the interactive session, the counsellor talked about identifying the signs of anxiety and how to deal with them by giving real life examples to help students relate and understand better.  She also shared the various anxiety relaxation therapies which can be easily followed by the students.

This session not only provided an insight on how to prevent, manage and relieve anxiety, especially during examination but also motivated students to face the challenges in life without being stressed.

Happiness Program

Happiness and positivity can make a huge difference to our wellbeing and success in life.

In recent years, there is a considerable increase in the mental health problems in children and young people. In the wake of this huge and sudden upsurge in emotional problems, a workshop on ‘Happiness Program’ was organized by The Maurya School for the students of Classes VI and VII on 19th to 21st May 2021. The workshop highlighted the benefits of happiness. The counsellor interacted with the students, who seemed very keen to share their thoughts on what really gives them happiness, and zeroed down on some activities that would help them elevate their mood.

Through the workshop, the counsellor also encouraged the participants to think positively, which in turn will help them make better choices and lead a good life.